Curtain Call For 2015


Curtain Call For 2015

Words by Adam Jeffery

Photos by the many people in my Life (including Trippy, My Tripod)

2015: Who's Calling?
2015: Who's Calling?

With a few blinks of the eye a whole year has passed us by. It has been an eventful year full of celebration, love, opportunities, connection, heartbreak and evolution. With the beginning of every new year we set up goals for ourselves; the ever-allusive “to go to the gym,” to climb higher on the corporate ladder, to find love, and so on and so forth. I can say with full confidence that I did not achieve many of the things I’ve written down as my New Year Resolution for this year. I had thought of going to the gym (and pole dancing…an excellent way to tone those muscles or so i’ve heard) but - oh! I did go for a run a couple times around the Charles River in Boston. Does that count? No. Truth be told, I lost that checklist by the first day of February…along with my will to do anything on that list. I may have not been able to fulfill what I had set myself to do but Life had not forgotten about me.

2015, You Still Here?
2015, You Still Here?

I walked down the aisle…with fellow falcons at my Bentley University commencement; I got myself my first job at Martin Lawrence Gallery and experienced the good and bad of the “working life;” I found new life in fashion and photography through Instagram; made new friends; I’ve loved…and lost; and I’ve learnt to love Life and Love, no matter how trivial or insignificant they may be. Perhaps one of the most significant outcome of 2015 for me is this blog, La Vie Umami. As a blog, it is the concentration of everything that I am and all that I have done (after careful curation). It is here that you (and to a great extent, myself) are able to see me as I walk down Life’s path, devouring the savouriness of Life.

2015: Is it 2016 Yet?
2015: Is it 2016 Yet?

It is always easy to say that the year had been wonderful…because it was. Even in the most darkest gloom of despair that some of us may fall into there are always good things that happen. No matter how small those “good times” were they shine brighter than a year full of the blues. Perhaps it is because of such bright days spent with family, friends, and lovers that I simply cannot think of a time when I really hit rock bottom. Now, that is not to say that I did not have any bad times because I did, like being strung along on a date to only be left wondering or being swindled by a sob story, but I met a good person after being abandoned and created stronger bonds with the people at the apartment (which I was supposed to leave for the new place that I didn’t get to move into…swindled!). Oh yeah! For any New Englanders reading this, let’s not forget the worst blizzard to have ever hit the East Coast! That said, I spent those cold days with good friends (and lover) that warmed those chilly nights with the heat of romance and passion (i’m getting steamy just remembering about those nights). My 2015 was eventful and it was fun…I’m thankful to the powers at be for the days I’ve lived in 2015.

2015: What's In 2016?
2015: What's In 2016?

Let’s look back at some of the memories I’ve managed to capture leading to this day.

La Vie Umami 2015

Get Off Your Tooshie
The Berklee Fashion Duo
Modern With A Twist Of Insanity
Gezelligheid: Instagram Friends
Gezelligheid: Instagram Friends
The Good, The Bad, The Sexy (No such Thing As Ugly When He's Around)
The Good, The Bad, The Sexy (No such Thing As Ugly When He's Around)
Looking Back, There Never Was A Meet Without A Little Cafe
Looking Back, There Never Was A Meet Without A Little Cafe
Started my unprofessional modeling career...thanks DB
Started my unprofessional modeling career...thanks DB
Hiking Would Have Been Scary Without You.
Hiking Would Have Been Scary Without You.
A Sea Man
Booty Watching
Booty Watching
Saw the many colours of it good (like this Pride) or be it bad (like the Marathon Bombing)
Saw the many colours of it good (like this Pride) or be it bad (like the Marathon Bombing)
Ate my way through New England with friends like @jennylovestoeat
Ate my way through New England with friends like @jennylovestoeat
At The Front Of The Ship, My Mother and I
At The Front Of The Ship, My Mother and I
Thread, An Underground Fashion Show
Thread, An Underground Fashion Show
Came back to Malaysia, KL (for now...not forever!)
Came back to Malaysia, KL (for now...not forever!)
Hold Your Breath...or Sneeze Out Loud
Hold Your Breath...or Sneeze Out Loud
Started eating my way through KL (what else is new)
Became an Art Critic (for the day)
Became an Art Critic (for the day)
Partnered with SunNice to open MY SunNice, a Malaysia-based jewelry E-Commerce
Partnered with SunNice to open MY SunNice, a Malaysia-based jewelry E-Commerce

...And so much more! I wish I could just show all the photos I've taken but I wouldn't want to be like one of those grandpas that brings out a huge album and goes on and on about each piece. Instead, feel free to read through La Vie Umami for an exposé of my Delicious Life thus far or just take swipe through my Instagram gallery and you'll get the picture. Just before the year ended I did managed to create my first YouTube video (so check that out and subscribe for more mouth-watering videos). For a more up close and personal view of my world then add me on snapchat (madhattah93) or listen to my Tweets now and then!

Thank you for crossing my path friends, lovers, and readers. I am who I am partly because you paved your Life's path where we would meet and mingle.

My 2015 wasn't too bad and I plan to grow further and meet more new people in 2016.

Happy New Year and Live your Life in 2016 DELICIOUSLY!

2015: Curtain Call